Author: S.C. Saxena
ISBN: 818992883X
Publisher: Dhanpat Rai Publications (p) Ltd.-new Delhi
Details: Table of Contents PART- I RAIL TRANSPORTATION AND ENGINEERING 1. Railway Transpor tations and its Development 2. Railway Terminology 3. Railway Track 4. Stresses in Railway Track 5. Traction and Tractive Resistances 6. Rails 7. Rail Joints and Welding of Rails 8. Creep of Rails 9. Sleepers 10. Track Fittings and Fastenings 11. Ballast 12. Subgrade and Embankments 13. Track Alignments 14. Surveying 15. Geometric Design of the Track 16. Points and Crossings 17. Track Junctions 18. Stations and Yards 19. Equipment in Station Yards 20. Signaling and Control Systems 21. Interlocking of Signals and Points 22. Construction and Renewal of Track 23. Track Drainage 24. Conventional Maintenance of Track (or Manual Maintenance) 25. Railway Track Standards 26. Safety in Railways 27. Underground Railways and Tunnelling. PART- II MODERNIZATION OF RAILWAY TRACK AND FUTURE TRENDS 28. Modern Developments in Railways 29. Development of High and Super High Speeds 30. Modernization of Track for High Speeds 31. Modern Methods of Track Maintenance PART- III RAILWAY ADMINISTRATION, ECONOMICS AND FINANCE 32. Administration of Indian Railways 33. Railway Expenses, Rates and Fares 34. Material Management.